GSCF/APSMI/TSMIA Joint Congress 2024

Self Care in Health Care:
a Vision for Asia Pacific

  Date: 13 – 15 November 2024
Venue: The Athenee Hotel, Bangkok
  61 Wireless road (Witthayu)Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Congress Website is Scheduled to Open
on 1st August
Registration Fee: Early Bird Registration: Until 30th September 2024
  Early Bird Untill 30 Sept. Standard From 1 Oct. Walk-in Country / Region
International Participants US$ 1,000 US$ 1,200 US$ 1,500  
ASEAN Members US$ 800 US$ 960 US$ 1,200 Vietnam, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Philiooines
TSMIA Members US$ 500 US$ 600 US$ 750 Thailand

  Early Bird Untill 30 Sept. Standard From 1 Oct. Walk-in
Non Members US$ 1,000 US$ 1,200 US$ 1,500

Hotel Accommodation (@The Athenee Hotel, Bangkok):
Baht 6,800/night (with breakfast) + 17.7% tax & service fee

Please register and book accommodations via the website.
However, the following persons should apply directly to TSMIA iatj without registering via the website:
  a. Those eligible for Complimentary Registration
  b. Those who are invited to stay for free


  Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
AM   9:00 - 12:30
8:00 - 13:30
Lunch   Lunch Lunch
PM 15:00 - 17:00
Digital Health Workshop
13:30 - 18:00
Dinner 18:00 -
Welcome dinner
18:30 -
Gala dinner

  • Board Meetings are to be held on 13 November.
        APSMI BM: 09:00 | 12:00     GSCF BM: 13:30 | 17:30

  • Regulators' Meeting is to be held in the afternoon on 15 November (Invited Only)

  • Draft Program
    GSCF/APSMI/TSMIA Joint Congress 2024
    Self-Care in Health Care: A Shared Vision for Asia Pacific
    (Draft Agenda as of 30 July 2024)
    Day 1 (13 Nov.)
    14:00-15:00 Registration
    15:00-17:00 Digital Health Workshop
    18:00- Welcome Reception
    Day 2 (14 Nov.)
    08:30-09:00 Registration
    09:00-09:05 Warm up
    09:05-09:40 Session 1 The Evolution of Self Care in the Asia Pacific Region - Opening keynotes & Welcome Remarks
        Keynote Speeches
    09:40-09:50 Group Photo
    09:50-10:20 Session 2 United for Self Care - Global perspective
        perspectiveThe Economic and Social Value of Self-Care and Self Care Index
    Physician’s Role in Self Care
    Pharmacist’s Role in Self Care
    Coalitation actions for WHO resolution for Self Care10h20
    10:20-10:50 Tea Break
    10:50-12:30 Session 3 United for Self Care - Regional perspective
        perspectiveThe Evolution of Self Care in the Asia Pacific Region
    Value of Self-Care study
    Panel Discussion: Self Care policy in Asia-Pacific Coutries/Regions
    12:30-14:00 Lunch
    14:00-15:30 Session 4 Self Care action in the region
        Market trend and consumer insights
    Panel Discussion: Promoting self-care in Asia-Pacific region
    15:30-16:00 Tea Break
    16:00-17:30 Session 5 Digital Health and Self Care – The Evolving Frontier
        FrontierInnovation in digital health
    Digital applications in self care
    E-labeling case study
    17:30-18:00 Special
    An interesting Speaker/Celeb on Consumer Perspective or Driving Transformation
    18:30-16:00 GALA Dinner
    Day 3(15 Nov.)
    08:00-09:00 Session 6 Environment and Sustainability (Packaging & Plastic, API in environment, CO2 Neutral)
        GSCF Global Charter for Environmental Sustainability
    Industry good practice
    09:00-13:00 Session 7 Better Regulatory environment for Self Care
        CareSelf-CARER initiative and achievements
    Registration efficiency and reliance
    13:00-13:15 Session 8 Journey Ahead - Asia Pacific Self Care Declaration
        Bangkok Declaration
    13:15-13:30 Closing Remarks
    13:30-14:30 Lunch